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  • Jennifer Sunseri
  • Contact Me
  • 209-702-3355
  • mrsjaws99@gmail.com

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I LOVE being a Stampin Up! Demonstrator! My passion for papercrafting led me to sharing what I love with others. Offering fresh project ideas and encouragement to my customers and friends as well as helping someone put together that perfect project for a special occasion is the best feeling in the entire world. After all, creating cards, scrapbook pages, and gift items is about more than just stamps and ink—it’s about sharing a part of yourself with the people you love. 

Teaching others comes naturally to me having been an elementary school teacher now for 27 years. Before becoming a SU demo, I was leading ladies craft nights at our church. I've been crafting since my teen years and was sold on Stampin Up! products because of its color coordination, high quality in products, and excellent customer service. When not teaching or crafting, I enjoy camping with my family, gardening, playing with my kitties, taking trips to the coast, reading, and bargain shopping.